5 Things Leaders Need To Know About Developing Remote Employees.

I think we try and deliver a message to organizations that all employees need and want to be developed. This is a lie. Many of our employees do want and need development. Some don’t need it, they’re better than you. Some don’t want it, just give me my check. Too many of our leaders truly believe they can develop and make their employees better …

6 Surprising Ways GenZ is Changing the Workforce!

I’m in love with Gen Z! It might be because I’m raising 3 Gen Zers, two in college, one on the way, but it’s also because I love how each generation is shaped by the period of time in which they are raised, and I think Gen Z, specifically, was raised in one of the most unique periods in history! …

How Much of a Pay Cut Are You Willing to Take to Work Remotely?

A new study says 65% of Americans are willing to take a pay cut to work remotely! I thought that seemed high. Also, the concept didn’t really make sense to me. Why should someone take a pay cut to work remotely? So, I decided to do a poll of my own on LinkedIn! It’s currently live, but it got massive traffic, and here …

Are you working more, or less, during the Pandemic?

Different Working Positions

If someone was to ask me I felt that, on average, were people working more, or less, during the pandemic I think my gut feel would be less. Not that I don’t think most people want to work, it’s just so much got shut down and so many jobs went remote, it would seem natural that most people worked less. …

From Trendy to the “New Norm” — Remote Work is Here is Stay

Telecommuting, virtual teams, remote roundtables…… what does all this mean and what does it mean for your organization?  Exploring remote work can be daunting and the data around this topic is overwhelming. Here are a few things that we’d like to share from our own research. Summary of Telecommuting Trends: Regular work-at-home, among the non-self-employed population, has grown by 173% since 2005, 11% faster …