How To Make 1 out of 4 Hires a Veteran

28.6% of total new hires at HRU Tech were Veterans in 2020. We stand proud in our ability to connect employers with transitioning service members and Veterans. Above all, their military experience is an asset to any workplace.  But, making 1 out of 4 hires a veteran is no easy task. According to a major recruiting org’s survey, 80% of Organizations lack …

6 Surprising Ways GenZ is Changing the Workforce!

I’m in love with Gen Z! It might be because I’m raising 3 Gen Zers, two in college, one on the way, but it’s also because I love how each generation is shaped by the period of time in which they are raised, and I think Gen Z, specifically, was raised in one of the most unique periods in history! …

Does a $15/hr Minimum Wage Really Help Workers?

By Tim Sackett There might not be a more controversial topic in 2021! Whether or not we (the United States of America) should raise the minimum wage for all workers, in all states, in all jobs to $15/hr. I would love to say this is ‘simply’ a political issue, but it’s not. It’s much more complicated than politics. Both sides …

Are you working more, or less, during the Pandemic?

Different Working Positions

If someone was to ask me I felt that, on average, were people working more, or less, during the pandemic I think my gut feel would be less. Not that I don’t think most people want to work, it’s just so much got shut down and so many jobs went remote, it would seem natural that most people worked less. …