Would You Pay .5% of Your Salary to Employ Your CEO?

Graph showing that CEO pay increases at faster pace than worker pay.

Let’s say you make $50,000. That means you would pay $250 annually to keep your CEO employed. Are you willing to do that? That’s, on average, how much each employee of a Fortune 500 company pays for their corporate F500 CEO in terms of the executive compensation of a CEO. Now, I know you don’t really pay any money out of …

What Is This Hire Supposed To Do?

Side profile of woman showing lots of thoughts.

I’m only talking to leaders today. We tend to fall into this rut. I have a position on my team. A person leaves. We need to fill that position. Before you fill your next position, as yourself this one question: How will this hire bring us closer to reaching our business objective?  In fact, you might want to ask that …

Navigating The New 2020 W-4 Employee’s Withholding Certificate

The New 2020 W-4 Employee's Witholding Certificate

With every new year comes some sort of changes or updates with employee payroll, and 2020 is no exception. On December 5, 2019, the IRS issued the final version of the 2020 Form W-4 Employee’s Withholding Certificate, designed to help employees withhold the correct amount of federal taxes throughout the year. I have taken look into the NEW W-4 form …

DisruptHR Lansing! March 19th – Call for Speakers is Open!

DisruptHR Lansing Logo

By Tim Sackett Lansing, MI is about to get all Disrupted and Stuff! Everyone already knows I’m a big believer in DisruptHR events. I’ve spoken at many, I’ve been on the team running DisruptHR Detroit from the beginning, and I decided to start DisruptHR Lansing in my own backyard! Our first event, DisruptHR Lansing 1.0 will take place in Downtown Lansing on …

How Would A College Education Be Different If You Were An Investor?

Graduation Cap traded for Money

There’s a concept that is starting to gain some steam in college tuition funding called “Income Share Agreements”. The basis of these agreements is pretty much “I” (the investor) pays “you” (the student) to go to college and get an education. Once you graduate and get a job, I take some of your annual salary for an agreed-upon time. From …

Navigating Paid Leave Laws

By Teresa Carper Navigating the various state Paid Leave Laws can be exhausting!   If your company, like HRU, operates in multiple states then you know how difficult and time consuming it can be to stay on top of this ever growing trend.  I have two white boards in my office and one of them is solely dedicated to paid leave …

What We Say Versus What We Want In A Job

Saving Puppies from Fire

My wife always tells me it’s actions, not words that make a difference. You can say all of this great stuff, but if you do nothing, it’s meaningless. I think we would all agree with this. So, when we hear graduating students, candidates, and employees tell us what they really want is “Meaningful Work” in their careers, we have to …

Is Time or Money More Valuable?

You might have seen this in the news that Estonia has started experimenting with a new way to punish speeding drivers. Instead of making them pay a fine for speeding, they are giving them an option to ‘take a timeout’ instead for 45 minutes to an hour, right then and there. Which brings up the question: What is more valuable …

What Is The Best Day To Post Your Job?

By Tim Sackett It’s a blocking and tackling-type of a question in talent acquisition and recruiting, right? Most of us believe it’s part science and part art. “Well, Tim, that all depends on…” No, it doesn’t. It depends on data and the Appcast data from their 2019 Recruitment Media Benchmark Report says this: Yep, it turns out Monday is the day. Then …